Pet Allergies

The most common pet visits to the veterinarian is allergies. The signs of allergies and vary from ear infections causing head shaking, to itching, infection of the skin, chewing the paws, odor, and rubbing of the body on the ground or furnishings. Unfortunately, allergies can also be one of the most frustrating conditions to treat.
Complete physical examinations and thorough history are essential to develop a list of potential causes for the allergies. Diagnostic testing may also be indicated to identify the presence of infectious agents or other underlying diseases. Specialized allergy testing may also be indicated to identify specific items in the environment that the pet may be allergic to.
With this information, individualized treatment plans can be formulated. No one treatment works well for all pets and not all treatment options are not acceptable to all owners. Therefore many treatment options must be evaluated to devise the most effective plan which may range from avoidance of allergens, antihistamines, and more frequent baths, to daily medications or periodic allergy injections, or any combination of many of these items. With persistence and patience, allergies may be persistently controlled.